DOTA2平衡性改动6.88B魂守DP削弱 军团不朽来袭
* Time Dilation manacost increased from 50 to 75
- 时间膨胀(虚空)的耗魔聪50增加至75
* Astral Spirit vision reduced from 450 to 400
- 星体游魂(上古巨神)的视野从450降低至400
* Beastmaster Boar XP bounty increased from 59 to 60/70/80/90
- 击杀兽王豪猪获得的经验和赏金从59增加至60/70/80/90
* Riki‘s Blink Strike damage reduced from 60/80/100/120 to 55/70/85/100
- 隐刺闪烁突袭的伤害从60/80/100/120降低至55/70/85/100
* Lane Creeps now give 20% of XP when denied by neutrals rather than 0% (normal player denies give 50% XP)
- 线上小兵如果被中立生物击杀则会获得20%经验, 以前是0% (普通玩家反补是50%)
* Astral Imprisonment damage increased from 75/150/225/300 to 100/175/250/325
- 星体禁锢(殁境神蚀者)的伤害从75/150/225/300增加至100/175/250/325
* Arcane Orb intelligence duration increased from 60 to 80
- 奥术天球(殁境神蚀者)的智力窃取持续时间从60秒增加至80秒